Creating Productive Human Environments Design & Maintenance for Urban & Rural Landscapes & Business
Garden & Landscape Advice

call greg 0413310717
Do you need some help not to sure what you want your how to do it ? where here to help you .
Why grown your own food ?
Depending on where your food is grown even organic food it can be lacking important minerals . Perth soils are very old and leached they have very little minerals.
Vegetables and fruit are getting expensive and the product has been sprayed with chemicals and grown with chemical fertilisers .
Let us help you grow delicious fresh healthy crisp home grown veggies and fruits.
The family will love it and have fun doing it.We can show you how easy it is or we can do it for you.
- Consultations
- Garden Landscape Design
- Maintenance
- Hands on Teaching ( we can work with you ) get the job done and gain skills.
- Drip Irrigation Systems , save money & water.
- Composting & worm farm systems .
- Food Gardens vegetables , herbs , fruits.
- Water Wise Gardens.
- Bird Attracting Gardens.
- Soil Renovation ( revitalising soil & soil treatments ).
- Whole Farm Design, lets us help your design your hobby farm .
- Arbouriculture Advice ( health & safety of trees )
- We help you with pruning and clean ups we make it easy.
CALL GREG 0413310717